
Regular Hours, Summer 2024

Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm


The Hawkeye 社区 College logo is the primary element of the college’s visual identity.

The logo consists of a graphical letter H and the words Hawkeye 社区 College. When reproducing the logo it must be used in its entirety and may not be altered in any way.

Please review the Brand and Visual Identity Policy to preserve the integrity of Hawkeye’s visual identity.

Download the Logo and Brand Guidelines [pdf]

靠谱买球app推荐的标志 Request

Many variables go into providing you with the correct logo for your project. The information requested on the form below will help us determine the correct logo to send you for your project.

Please complete a new form for each project.

All fields marked with * 是必需的.

Will you be working with a vendor? *
Marketing works with a list of approved vendors. If your vendor is not on this list, we will work with you on either adding them or helping you find another vendor. If you are a vendor and would like to be added to our list of approved vendors, please 提交 a request form.
The logo will be used: *
This project will be created using: *
File Format *

水平 logo: H to the left of Hawkeye 社区 College. 矩形.

堆放 logo: H above Hawkeye 社区 College. 盒子的形状.

Logo Format *

3-color: 靠谱买球app推荐的黑. 橙色和蓝色H. Black Hawkeye 社区 College.

3-color: 靠谱买球app推荐的白色. 橙色和蓝色H. 白色 Hawkeye 社区 College.

2-color: 靠谱买球app推荐蓝. 橙色和蓝色H. Blue Hawkeye 社区 College

白色. 白色 H and Hawkeye 社区 College.

灰度. H is 2 shades of grey. Black Hawkeye 社区 College

Logo Color

Contact Information

Public Relations and Marketing

靠谱买球app推荐中心 222
电子邮件 Public Relations and Marketing
